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Crown Green Bowls

Spen Victoria Bowling Club

Over the course of its long history, Spen Victoria Bowling Club has earned a formidable reputation in the world of crown green bowling, not just locally but also nationally.  Every year we stage our own Spen Victoria Masters Competition, as well as hosting County Matches and League Finals.

We are a friendly club, and welcome bowlers of all ages including beginners.  If you have never bowled before, one of the club’s experienced players will be glad to arrange a time to teach you how to play.


Go to the Bowlsnet website


Spen Victoria Bowling Club has two greens, which are open from April to October.  If the weather and condition of the greens allow, one of the greens is also kept open during the winter, which enables Spen Victoria to host an open competition every Saturday from October through to March.  Any player from any club can take part, with the entry fee providing prize money for the winner and runner-up every week.


Spen Victoria has three categories of teams, who play most days during the season.

- Veterans (over 60) : Mon, Tues and Wed afternoons.

- Open Age : Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs evenings, plus Saturday afternoons.

- Juniors (under 18) : Saturday mornings.

Spen Juniors -

Pairs Winners 2021

Winner England Under 18s Juniors held at Spen 2021


Spen Victoria teams have a busy season, playing in eight different leagues throughout the north of England.

Veterans team - Brighouse Vets, North Kirklees Vets and Spen Valley Vets leagues
Open Age team - Bradford, Mirfield, Spen Valley and Ossett & Horbury leagues
Juniors team - Huddersfield league

Each league normally has at least two Spen Victoria teams, and possibly up to four playing at different league levels within that competition.  For example, Spen Victoria Veterans teams A, B and C will all play in the Spen Valley Vets League.

The leagues in which Spen Victoria plays are listed on the web site, which is an extremely comprehensive source of information about bowling tournaments.  It provides details of fixtures and results, together with league tables, averages and a host of other facts and figures.

If you are interested in joining Spen Victoria Bowling Club, details of the different types of club membership can be found on our Home page.  If you would like to join, or have any questions about joining, please contact Andy Galagher, the Bowls Chair, 07937 776269 / email, andrew.paulgallagher@gmail.comor the Membership Secretary, Keith Hopkins, 07803 263948 / email.

Winner England Under 25s Youth held at Spen 2021


During the season, non-members are welcome to hire the bowling green for private use, provided the ground is not booked for fixtures or practice sessions.  The tearoom overlooking the green can also be hired, and this includes the use of the catering-style gas cooker and food preparation area.  To enquire about a private hire booking, please contact Peter Ellis 07578 646565 / email.

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