This area is for our existing members
Please use the forms and the envelopes in the box on the table at the entrance of the bar and follow the process detailed below please.
You can also download a renewal form using the link above.
The rates will be set as follows: -
Full Playing Member £55.00
Social Member £25.00
Junior Member £10.00
Payments can be made by the following methods: -
Bank Transfer - sort code 05-03-73 Account No 30435742 please enter your name and subs in the payment reference.
Cheques - made payable to Spen Victoria CB&AC please ensure a completed subscription form is placed in the envelope and left behind the bar for attention of Ernie Rowan.
Card/Cash Please request a receipt from the bar staff and place the receipt along with a subscription form in an envelope left behind the bar for attention of Ernie Rowan.
If any of your contact details have changed since last year, please ensure these are updated on the form, if there are no changes simply ensure your name is on the form in order to issue a payment receipt.
We would ask for your support in the prompt payment of all subscriptions, these funds are a vital contribution towards the running of the club.
Kind Regards
Keith, Lee and Ernie